The Corry Family

David, Lauren, David Jr., Grant and Oliver

A penny for your....well, just a penny please

Ok, so this is one for the books. Last week, Little David and I were dancing around and acting silly together. I know, just another day in the Corry house. However, this day was different. In the middle of our silliness, David gulps, eyes bulge, and he yells, "My coin, my coin.....!" "What do you mean your coin David- did you have a coin in your mouth?" "Yes", He replies. "Oh my goodness", I manage to sputter out. Commence waterworks! David is crying uncontrollably while I am frantically calling Uncle Joey. I'm trying to make him laugh with references of pennies making more pennies inside his belly until we could shake him and fill up a piggy bank- still tears. So, Uncle Joey reassures me that he should pass it in a few days and just to be on the lookout for it. Ok, gross! There are no limits to what you will do as a parent, but I just have to say, this has been a very daunting task the last few days. Never did I think my son would call for me after his "morning/afternoon poop (as he calls it)" and I would begin the fishing process. So, it's been five days and no penny- and he's complaining of a tummy ache. We visit the minor emergency center today where they take x-rays and tell us the penny is in the transverse colon. It's probably going to pass- they send us home with Magnesium Citrate- woo hoo! Speaking from experience, that is the nastiest stuff! Long story longer.....we're still waiting on the penny to pass and will have to return in 48 hrs if it does not make it's exit.
All of this narration leads me to another David moment that was blog worthy. As we are riding to town to the minor er center, David says, "Mommy, maybe if I'm a good, brave boy and I don't cry, I could get one of those chocolate coins- so it will remind me that you should never eat real coins, just the chocolate ones." Now how on earth can I argue with that?!!!!
Update on progression of penny to follow......

1 comment:

Lee Wilkes said...

Bless his heart (and yours!)! Happy hunting...hope things go well!!!!