The Corry Family

David, Lauren, David Jr., Grant and Oliver

Walkway of Lights

Our town has what they call a "walkway of lights" each year down by the lake. Last year, we had just gotten settled in from moving here and just looked at the lights from afar. This year, we went down there and saw them up close and the bonus was that Santa was there too. The really funny part was that Santa was late- (you know travelling to Texas from the North Pole and all) so he came speeding up on his Harley! Big David and I fell out laughing at that- only in Texas- Santa pulls up late and dishelved-on a Harley! :)

Christmas pics

I've been wanting to get a few pics of David and Grant dressed up for Christmas in front of the tree but I didn't time it well with Grant's mood- she was hungry and mad because I had just taken her pacifier out. I still love the ones I got- even if they aren't perfect. What a wonderful Christmas- we are a happy, healthy family of four!