The Corry Family

David, Lauren, David Jr., Grant and Oliver

My Valentine's

David had his first music program at school for Valentine's Day. He sang some of the most precious songs and just filled our hearts with pride and joy. I'm trying to get a cord for our camcorder so I can upload some video (it is quite outdated by today's standards). Here are a few pictures of our sweet Valentines.

WOW! Look how much they look alike....

The top picture is David in February of 2004 and the bottom is of Grant in February of 2008

Little expressions

I am always trying to snap shots of Grant and I always miss those kodak moments. My friend Becky was taking pics of Grant yesterday and got the shots I've always wanted to get (thanks Becky). She is such a good baby!

Church at home

On the Sundays when I can't quite seem to get it together to get to church on time, we have "church at home". Little David, Grant and I cuddle up and read Bible stories together and talk about prayer requests and then end with a prayer. I have been telling David that he can say whatever he wants to God, that God just wants him to talk to him anytime about anything. So, today David's prayer was: "Dear God, thank you for our blessings and please bless everyone in the world and please go to our website of dot com and click on my name. Amen."
I thought that was hilarious- I guess he is referring to our blog. Not only does he want family and friends to see him on our blog, but God too. How cute!

Watch me grow....13.5 weeks

Grant is growing so fast! This is one of my favorite stages, she is laughing and cooing and smiling all of the time. She is really beginning to interact with us and is developing her little personality. Aside from yet another ear infection, she is just such a good baby. She is 13 weeks now and has already had two ear infections- this one is a double. Little David gave us a run with this and ended up with tubes at 9 months- apparently, Sis is on her way to tubes as well. We'll see how it pans out. I took a couple of snapshots of her chillin' today. It's the strangest thing....she always photographs as though she were bug-eyed. She doesn't actually look like that in person but I guess the flash causes her to really open her eyes wide. It's so funny! Her weight yesterday (with diaper and clothes on) was 13 lbs 2 ozs. At her 2 month well check she was 12 lbs 6.5 ozs. She is in the 90th percentile for height and weight. Little D has traditionally been in the 50-75th. He is still so skinny but boy he's gaining height. is our baby girl at 13.5 weeks....stay tuned for more updates.


My friends Lee and Kerri often post how their children love their "silky and yamee" (Girls, I hope I spelled those correctly) and I have often wanted to take pics of David with his "Lovey". "Lovey" has been with David since he was born. It was a gift from BeeGee in the hospital and it hasn't left David since. I remember when it could cover his entire body and now it's just a handheld blanket. There are holes in it from where he teethed and chewed on it. There's even a burn mark from the dryer. He loves it! He puts his fingers in the pleats in the corners and apparently, there is only one set of corners that are what he calls, "the good pleats". He will rotate Lovey round and round until he gets his fingers just right in the pleats. We sometimes refer to him as "Linus" from Peanuts because he is never far from his Lovey- particularly at bedtime. I have had many a search for Lovey and we even suffered a brief stint where we thought we'd lost him forever but alas, we found him tucked away in one of David's trucks. I just HAD to capture this precious boy with his Lovey. I swear he will probably take Lovey to college with him!