The Corry Family

David, Lauren, David Jr., Grant and Oliver

The wisdom of David

I am brought to my knees daily with the musings of Little David and the sweet, poignant and brutally honest things that come out of his mouth. I swear it's almost worth purchasing a blackberry phone just so I'll have a way to quickly "write" down his cute sayings before I forget them. Yesterday, I was telling Little David how much I love his heart and his sweet spirit and that Daddy and I like to think we have a part in that but mostly, God has blessed him with a beautiful soul and we are grateful to have him in our lives. He looks up at me and says, "Mommy, I have so much love for you in my heart and joy for you in my heart....Did you know that God gives us our joy?" "Yes, I do know that David- you are so right" I manage to reply as I choke on the cuteness. Does anyone remember the Dana Carvey standup routine where he talks about how you have to be firm when disciplining the children even when they can use their cuteness to weaken you like cryptonite? I chuckle every time I think about that. David is so serious and so intuitive and just so blasted smart! He'll look at me and make comments that make me have to look away for I fear I may become weak from his cuteness. Daddy and I will quickly look away in these moments, as if making eye contact will seal the deal. Look away- he's almost got you sucked in! It's so strange to have my same big brown eyes looking back at me....and that same spirit (sassiness, strongheaded, feistiness) that is determined to win. My mom always commented on raising me by saying, "When you were good, you were really GOOD, and when you were bad, you were really BAD." That's David in a nutshell.
Tonight, after I prayed to God, David wanted to do his own prayer. Of course I was very obliged to let him say it- especially when many nights he just wants to quickly recite Now I Lay Me...
So, He says a beautiful prayer to God about healing the sick and thanking him for our blessings and protecting us from the storms that passed through tonight. After he finished his prayer, I was beaming and said, "David, I think God is really smiling down on you tonight and saying how proud he is of you and how happy you make him." We always discuss that you can talk to God anytime you want- he's always there. David begins asking me why he can't hear God and I explain that maybe if he'll hurry and fall asleep, God will meet him in his dreams and they can talk then. He said, "For REAL Mommy? And does God have presents?" And there you have it....does God have presents? Yes, he does David....they are called blessings and boy are we blessed!

Splish Splash...taking a bath

Grant has outgrown her baby bathtub and we borrowed this nifty bath seat for her. It works really well and I decided to just throw David in there too. They were laughing and playing and it was so sweet. Here are a few pics and a video ....">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">


We finally got Grant well with her ears but after all of the antibiotics, she now has thrush. Consequently, so does Mommy since Grant is still nursing. We've had the dickens of a time but we are on the mend! Here is a photo of Grant with her purple mouth- we are doing natural remedies, one of which is Gentian Violet. That stuff is such a mess and stains everything- including skin. Thank goodness it's not permanent. Look at my little purple people eater!

Spring visit to SC

We had such a great visit, although short, to South Carolina. Unfortunately, I didn't take many pictures but I was able to snap a few. We had wonderful visits with Nana, BeeGee and Papa, Aunt C and Mary Anna, Mana and Papa, Aunt Lessie, Carlysle and Uncle Joey and a great playdate with several of Mommy's friends from high school and their children. It was also so neat to see the progress of BeeGee and Papa's business, "Mantissa Row" and Les and Joey's new practice, "Lake Murray Pediatrics". We are so excited for all of them! There truly is nothing like springtime in the South!!!