The Corry Family
David, Lauren, David Jr., Grant and Oliver
Final penny update....I hope
Ok, finally the drama has subsided. The xrays this morning showed there was no penny so they cancelled the surgery. However, the tech would not tell me whether or not the penny had completely passed, but only that the surgery was not necessary. After following up with our primary Doc, we are told that the penny may possibly be in the rectum (restrain yourself of the possible jokes sis) and is definitely on the way out. Hallelujah! We treated David to a huge breakfast at IHOP afterwards. I don't normally allow him to eat this type of food so he was beside himself. He had the kids funny face pancake with chocolate chips, eggs, sausage, toast, hashbrowns and topped it off with a bit of my omelet. He already eats like a teenage boy! We are so relieved that he did not have to have the surgery and he promises to never put "foreign" objects in his mouth again. I still have not officially seen that blessed penny but I had hopes that we would frame that darn thing! Thanks for all of the well wishes, it was actually pretty scary there for a bit but all is well!
Another penny update
Well, here we are Day 11 and still no penny. I spoke with the nurse at the pediatric gastro office in Austin, they would like to go ahead and schedule David for an endoscopy for Wednesday. We will arrive in the morning, they will xray him again and if the penny has passed or is showing in the colon or intestines, they will send us home. If it is still in the stomach, we go directly next door to the surgery center where they will do an endoscopy to remove the penny. David's still feeling ok, occasionally complains of abdominal pain but for the most part, is still going strong. I will spare him the details of what may lie ahead for him. I allowed him to attend half a day of his first day of school today and he had a great time. I need to keep him home so that I can be on hand to inspect his bowel movements. I think it would be above and beyond the call of duty for his teachers. So, we trudge on. Look for an update on Wednesday.
Penny update
Well, what started as a relatively funny BOY story about swallowing a penny has gone completely south- slight pun intended. The issue with David swallowing the penny has turned into quite a nightmare. We had xrays done on Tuesday- they show that the penny is still in the middle belly- they actually told me they thought it was in the transverse colon. The Doctor assured me it would pass and sent me home to give David Magnesium Citrate. If he did not pass the penny within 48hrs after that, we were to return. So, two days of fun with Magnesium Citrate and Miralax still produced no penny. We end up back at the minor emergency center for more xrays. The penny is still in the "middle belly"- very difficult to tell where exactly. Meanwhile, we are trying to get a referral to a pediatric gastroenterologist and we're on the line with poison control center. Apparently, the biggest concern is that the penny could be lodged in the stomach or colon and could lead to a rupture or blockage. Also, there is the minor point that pennies made after 1982 are made with zinc and that can have a corrosive effect in the body. Great! Little David failed to mention what year the penny he swallowed was. So, poison control is stressing the importance of removal of the penny to the nurse, the Dr and myself. It had been 7 days since he swallowed the penny. Most children will pass swallowed foreign objects within 4-5, after that, everyone becomes more concerned. Apparently, less than 1% of children who swallow objects still have them "stuck" in their body 5 or more days. This is about where I begin to panic. We spent the better part of the evening at Dell children's hospital and more xrays later....the penny is still in the stomach. The on-call surgeon was called for consult and they advised us to go home and continue to wait it out. They told us that they really want to try to avoid surgery so unless David becomes increasingly ill, or has acute abdominal pain- we wait. So, here we are, Day 8...waiting. We will follow up this week with our pediatrician and they may do an xray again to verify progress- if it is still "lodged", we will be referred to a ped/gastro for further options. Shooooooo! What drama! I will never look at a penny the same again! Stay tuned.....
A penny for your....well, just a penny please
Ok, so this is one for the books. Last week, Little David and I were dancing around and acting silly together. I know, just another day in the Corry house. However, this day was different. In the middle of our silliness, David gulps, eyes bulge, and he yells, "My coin, my coin.....!" "What do you mean your coin David- did you have a coin in your mouth?" "Yes", He replies. "Oh my goodness", I manage to sputter out. Commence waterworks! David is crying uncontrollably while I am frantically calling Uncle Joey. I'm trying to make him laugh with references of pennies making more pennies inside his belly until we could shake him and fill up a piggy bank- still tears. So, Uncle Joey reassures me that he should pass it in a few days and just to be on the lookout for it. Ok, gross! There are no limits to what you will do as a parent, but I just have to say, this has been a very daunting task the last few days. Never did I think my son would call for me after his "morning/afternoon poop (as he calls it)" and I would begin the fishing process. So, it's been five days and no penny- and he's complaining of a tummy ache. We visit the minor emergency center today where they take x-rays and tell us the penny is in the transverse colon. It's probably going to pass- they send us home with Magnesium Citrate- woo hoo! Speaking from experience, that is the nastiest stuff! Long story longer.....we're still waiting on the penny to pass and will have to return in 48 hrs if it does not make it's exit.
All of this narration leads me to another David moment that was blog worthy. As we are riding to town to the minor er center, David says, "Mommy, maybe if I'm a good, brave boy and I don't cry, I could get one of those chocolate coins- so it will remind me that you should never eat real coins, just the chocolate ones." Now how on earth can I argue with that?!!!!
Update on progression of penny to follow......
All of this narration leads me to another David moment that was blog worthy. As we are riding to town to the minor er center, David says, "Mommy, maybe if I'm a good, brave boy and I don't cry, I could get one of those chocolate coins- so it will remind me that you should never eat real coins, just the chocolate ones." Now how on earth can I argue with that?!!!!
Update on progression of penny to follow......
My how you've grown...9 months

Grant is growing so fast- I still can't believe she's already 9 months old! She has two bottom teeth and seems well on her way to cutting more. She is crawling around everywhere, pulling up on everything and has even begun to let go as she stands. I really don't think it will be long before she if fully walking. She is such a happy baby, so much so that we like to call her "baby smiles a lot". She is learning to hold her own against big bro and will squeal at the top of her lungs for attention or to let him know she is fed up with him snatching toys from her hand. David is an ever present watch dog and is constantly pointing out things that she should not be getting in to. I have to kindly remind him that I am the mommy and I've got it under control. He is very protective of Grant. Grant is very, very busy and we have quickly realized we need to babyproof- and fast. Her nickname should be "Dash" or "Flash" because she is so quick! We are so blessed with our beautiful children- they make us so proud!!!
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