David really enjoyed playing TBall this year. His final game was Wednesday night and the players were presented with medals. They did a great job and David even pitched some the last game! We are so proud of him and his team. Go Braves!
The Corry Family
David, Lauren, David Jr., Grant and Oliver
Final TBall Game
David really enjoyed playing TBall this year. His final game was Wednesday night and the players were presented with medals. They did a great job and David even pitched some the last game! We are so proud of him and his team. Go Braves!
Mommy's first 5k
Mommy is no "new kid on the block" when it comes to working out but I have never done any type of organized run. I have been running lately and decided I would do a 5k. I met a friend of mine from the gym and off we went! I don't know my official time but Daddy says it was 25 minutes. I really enjoyed it! The best part was having my family there cheering me on! What a great way to start a Saturday morning! Look out Daddy....Mommy may have the "bug"! :)
David's Pre-K Graduation
Yes, it's true....Graduation! Many schools have a kindergarten graduation as you are preparing to enter into first grade but David's school has a pre-k graduation. He will officially become a Lion instead of a Cub and move over to the elementary building next year. His school gave the 4K class an official graduation ceremony in the sanctuary followed by a cookie reception in the fellowship hall afterward. It was a great night and they showed the sweetest video of the children. I held up well and didn't have uncontrollable sobs...just a few tears came to my eyes but I mostly felt such pride and joy for my precious boy! I took the children out to eat just before the ceremony and I told David he could have anything he wanted....he chose "China Kitchen"...that's MY boy! After the ceremony, Daddy and I had a card, balloon and a few special treats for the Graduate. It was an all star evening for David. We are so proud of our little Graduate! (pics aren't in order...sorry)
Oh What A View!
Happy Anniversary Mommy and Daddy
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