Daddy had his 15 year college reunion this year at the Citadel. He was so excited to go and participate in all of the events and see his buddies. We missed his 10 year because Little David had just been born. So, off we all went to Charleston to celebrate with Daddy. We had a wonderful time at the reunion party and even went to dinner with some friends while Nana was so gracious to stay in the hotel room with the children for us. We so rarely get out that when we got all dressed up to go out, Lil D said, "Mommy, is it your anniversary?" :)
We also had a great time showing David all around campus. We went in to the chapel where we were married, we visited Pop's tree and monument and the Star of the West monument with Daddy's name on it, visited the barracks where Daddy lived, went downtown to the market, visited Gaga and went to the football game. It was such a fun-filled weekend and Daddy was so proud to show off his family! Little David can't stop talking about the bagpipers and the summerall guards. Daddy taught him how to "brace" and how to stand with "cheerios" in his hands like the guards. Silly! What an awesome weekend for all of us!