The Corry Family
David, Lauren, David Jr., Grant and Oliver
Update on Grant's Ears.....
Ok, we had our second visit with the ENT in Austin today and Grant has another double ear infection!!! This makes it her fourth confirmed infection in her almost 5 month old life. The Dr says he really likes to try to wait until the babies are 6 months to do the tubes but, he doesn't want to wait with her. So, Grant will have tubes put in bright and early Friday morning. Hopefully, this will help her and we won't have to fight this infection anymore!
Grant's first solid food
I was trying to hold out until Grant was 6 months old to start solids but she was showing signs that she was ready. So....we set her up in her highchair and fed her rice cereal for the first time. She wasn't sure what to do with it at first but was opening her mouth for the spoon like a little bird in no time. I still can't believe how quickly she's grown!
Sea World....take 2
Last week was spring break for David's school and we decided to go to Sea World for Daddy's day off. It was crazy! It was opening day and Daddy and David waited in line for 1 hour and 45 minutes just for the log ride! It was worth it though for David to have that memory with his Daddy. We were there from 11am to 6pm and we saw 1 show, did 1 ride and had lunch....the rest of the time was spent was well worth it. We had a great family day!
Easter 2008
We had such a busy Easter. We went to several egg hunts and had dinner with friends. We even took time out to make some family pictures in our neighbor's yard before church. We were so happy to have Daddy in church with us- even though he had to go to work right after church- we'll take what we can get. I got to dress David and Grant alike for the first time and I was so proud of my precious babies! Happy Easter!
Enchanted Rock

I have always wanted to go to Enchanted Rock, which is only about 45 minutes from where we live. It is touted to be the Rock from which all of Texas was formed. It is a huge Rock mountain and we were well on our way to climbing to the top. However, I couldn't make it with baby in tow. My friend Becky joined us and we had a great time!
Made in Texas....
Well, although we are South Carolina by blood and baby girl is definitely "made in Texas" and "born in Texas". Anyone who knows Texans knows that this is no small, while I was pregnant with Grant, I purchased this shirt and she is proudly sporting it in this photo. I just had to share it before she is too big to wear it!
David's rendition of the Easter story
David has really been impressing me with his knowledge of the story of Jesus's death and resurrection. He was telling me the story tonight and I had to get this on film. This is dedicated to all of our family back in North and South Carolina. He particularly wanted to help cheer up Aunt Sharon as she faces her daily struggles and for Pop, as he faces his surgery on Tuesday. We love you all and pray that God will be with you, giving you strength and peace.
Another cute brother and sister moment....
David is such a good big brother. He likes to help me with Sissy and he always looks up and me and says, "awwww, look Mommy- she loves her brother". I always tell him how much his sissy loves him and when she cries he will say, "It's ok, brother is here." It just makes me melt! Here's a video of David entertaining sissy last week.
David's School Easter Egg Hunt
This morning David's class had their Easter egg hunt. Unfortunately, Mommy is home sick with strep throat so Daddy went and captured it on video so I could see. It is so precious and also funny how David is viciously snatching up eggs- I told Daddy he needed to have a talk with him about being a gentleman and not jumping in front of the little girls to get eggs....probably a little early for that lesson. ;)
Green Eggs and Ham
This week was "Dr Seuss" week at David's school and they had a different theme based on his books each day. Thursday was "Green Eggs and Ham" day and they ate Green eggs and Ham and Daddy volunteered to read the story to David's class. This is Daddy and David's favorite book to read because Daddy reads it in a silly way and so he wanted to share it with David's class. David was as proud as a peacock standing up there with his silly Daddy and it was such a great experience! We sure do love our silly Daddy- he's the best!!!!! Check out the video of Daddy's reading debut......
My How You've Grown...4 months
Grant had her 4 month check up and shots on Wednesday and she is growing so much! She weighs 13 lbs and 13 ozs and is 24.5 inches long. Bad news on her ears....she has yet another double ear infection! This will be our third confirmed (I suspect it's her fourth) ear infection in her little 4 month old life! So, we are being referred to a Pediatric ENT in Austin. I hope they can help her and keep her off of antibiotics. She is such a good baby with such a good disposition. She tolerates her discomfort well but it breaks my heart. We hope to get her all fixed up soon.
Austin Rodeo
We had a "Daddy day off day" today and kept David out of school to go and visit the Austin Rodeo. This was also Grant's first rodeo! We spent the day at the stock show and did all of the kids events including the carnival. We couldn't stick around long enough for the actual rodeo events to start at 7pm but we hung in there as long as we could. We even ran into our friends Grant and Christina and we had a great time hanging out with them. We even got to see "whiplash the cowboy monkey"- he's a national star. What an awesome Texas day!
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